Spacy Lacy: from drawing to character

25 February, 2019

Spacy Lacy is my newest character and most complicated costume so far. This is the story of the process from first sketch to first performance.

Character; Spacy Lacy, 
Copenhagen, 2019 
Spacy Lacy before the premiere. So ready to collect all the good vibes in Frederiksberg Centeret.

In January this year, I had a few interesting meetings with the Manager and Marketing Manager of Frederiksberg Centeret – an upscale mall in Copenhagen. We agreed that I would create a new character and costume to perform in during an Outerspace themed event, they had planned for winterbreak. With a clear deadline of the 11th of February – I got to work at the end of January. With just 2 weeks, I started by asking myself how someone from out of space might like?

First and Second Sketches:

My Second draft
My first draft

I took my idea to an online performers network which I run, Power Busker Women, for inspiration. From the brainstorm that followed a few interesting ideas emerged. The most interesting to me, was the suggestion to use EVA-foam as building material – I never tried or heard of that before.

At first it was a bit challening to imagine how EVA-foam (normally used for yogamats and stuff like it) could be made into shapes I wanted. After a few I youtube tutorials, and design experiments – I began to figure it out. I made patterns out of paper, traced them onto the foam and with help of a heatgun, contact cement and a dose of patience, it worked out really well. See the images of the process in the gallery below:

Fairywork Custom Characters

As Fairywork continues to grow, I am looking forward to creating more beautiful special characters for beautiful special events.

If you and your organization have such events, get in touch!