National Championship for Living Statues

1 May, 2019

Golden Fairy brings home an international award from England!!

Last weekend – 26th and 27th of April 2019 – the National Championship for Living Statues was held in Stratford-Upon-Avon, UK. I am very happy and proud to announce that Copenhagen`s Golden Fairy for took second place in the festival. After nearly fours years performing, this is my first international award. Which proves, that people, other than my mom, thinks my work is great.

A big thanks to everyone who voted for me.

A lovely well-organized event full of great performers.

I love participating in living statue festivals, in which performers from all over the world meet to share their love for living statue and all it includes: costume-making, make-up, standing still, moving in slow motion, mime etc. It is absolutely wonderful to share the experiences and stories with other people who do the same sort of work as me.

I love to see how the other artists create so many different sorts of statues which convey so with many different sorts of ideas; some are political, some historical, some are comical and others are inspired by fairytales, like me.

Photos of the Other Artists

First Place Winners: Selway Statues

The winners of the first place were Selway Statues, who are based in Portugal, but who came originally from a town just oustide Stratford-Upon-Avon. They had not performed in England for the past nine years, so it was a special feeling for them to be back, and win the competition. This is their first award, and so well deserved after many years in the business. Congratulations!

Queen Elisabeth & Sir Walter Raleigh