Coming up: Stockholm Street Festival on Tour

11 July, 2018

Dear Fairy Fans!

I’m preparing for a 3 weeks tour, that starts this Saturday, and obviously I’m pretty excited.  I’ll be  joining the Stockholm Street Festival tour, visiting seven different places in Sweden and one city in Denmark. This means I have a few things to do before leaving Copenhagen Friday:

  • Check that my costumes are ready to go,
  • Ensure I have enough make-up + remover packed,
  • Fix up my props so they won’t break in transit.
  • Make sure everything is shiny and easy to work with.
  • Find my favourite clothes to bring along for time off.

    …… And I need to buy plenty of mosquito spray….


The other afternoon I practiced unicycling in the shared courtyard and a little curious neighbor girl came to talk with me about unicycling and performing. I think she is about 6 years old. She asked when I performed next. I told her about this Sweden tour, and she replied in Danish: “I know Sweden! I have been there. There is full of mosqitous, I think it’s important you know that. And flies that can bite!”  I think it is the best advice I have ever had before travelling to the country next door.

Stockholm Street Fest on Tour 2018, Photo: Hennie Heeren, Belgium 2016


I’m very much looking forward to travel around in Sweden with the Tour. Not only will I perform a long side some amazing performers, but beginning on the 14th of July, we will  visit seven Swedish cities, before ending the tour in Helsingør, Denmark on the 4th of August.  We will bring different styles of street performance to people in many far flung areas, which I think is great.   Not everything has to be for the capitals and big cities. I am excited to experience the Swedish nature and meet the people that Danes enjoy having so many prejudice about.

I will mostly be performing as The Golden Fairy, but I will also bring a long Princess Two Legs & Dennis. You never know when you need a Unicorn – better to  be prepared!!


I want to add a big thank you to the people behind Stockholm Street Festival on Tour. I’m so happy to be on board. See you soon!

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