Featured in lifestyle magazine “InVejle”

31 May, 2020

In October 2019 I was contacted by the journalist Flemming Linnebjerg, who asked if I would be interested in being featured in the Danish lifestyle magazine “InVejle” – they needed a portrait of a strong woman from Vejle, and Flemming had thought of me. Of course I agreed to the interview.

A week later Flemming came over, and we talked for a few hours. I told him how I always have been creative and wanted to play theatre all around the world. I recall the many times in my teenage years, where teachers and parents have told me, that it was an impossible dream and really really difficult. This story led to the titel of the portrait: “Signe Marie and the impossible project”.

The article looked like this, and I am very happy with the result. It gives an idea of the bumpy roads I’ve taken to be where I am at today, and it shows the joy I feel for my work – how I can’t stop being creative, even if I wanted to. I hope it inspires young and old to follow their dreams and wildest inspirations, because sometimes – with hard work – dreams do come true.

May All Your Dreams Come True.

Article written by: Flemming Linnebjerg

Photos by Yilmaz Polat