On the 20th and 21st of July,I went to belgium for the festival “Statues En Marche” in the little city of Marche-En-Famenne. Around 100 living statues from around the world gathered for a wonderful weekend to fill up the streets with acts of all kinds: some were classical, some were silly, one couple was covered in mirrors, there were many clowns and some statues that looked like they were made out of wood. I was so impressed with the creativity and talent of the other performers.

The event attraccted around 60.000 audience members who all enjoyed the playful statue performances. As part of the event the audiences voted for the favourite act. I am so very proud to annouce that “Copenhagen’s Golden Fairy” won 3rd place out of the pool of 100 statues.

Here are a few photos of some of the statues, who participated. Thanks to everyone for sharing their art.
Follow this link to read one of the many articles written about the event.