Play in production

26 December, 2018

New Fairywork play in the works!

This is a presentation of the creation process and production of Fairywork’s new play “Princess Two Legs, Dennis The Unicorn & The Grumpy Grown-Up”.

Character development

As with most of my work I start creating the characters, and after sometime when I know the character, the ideas for the stories come by them self. It is a bit like the character shows me, what they can and want to do. So with that in mind I have been working on this play for a year now.
It was last year in december, that I decided to create a pink character: “Princess Two Legs”, who is a sweet and mischievious princess clown.

Dennis the unicorn was created long before the princess, and he actually started as a mask for stilts, but was both too heavy and clumsy on the stilts. Last year I found a new good use of the unicorn: As a hobby-horse or more precise a hobby unicorn.

Unexpected inspiration

I got inspired to write this story while being borred at the university in Copenhagen. Winter 2017, I thought my happyness could be found by studying physiotherapy, so I applied and got accepted at the universtity. I thought to my self that for once my choices and way in life would be straight forward, practical and kind of normal. Fortunately it didn’t go that way, short after I started studying I found it increasingly borring and felt like I was put into a box, where I didn’t fit: So a Monday morning I skipped classes in favour of writing a new play; “Princess Two Legs, Dennis the Unicorna and The Grumpy Grown Up.”

Values and thoughts behind the play

Writing the play I realised, that I didn’t want to study physiotherapy or anything else like it. That wasn’t my dream – but rather the expectations of other people like politicians, worried parents or old school teachers telling me, that my creativity could never make a living for me. This fall I finally learned that it is never easier to go a “more regular” way in life because it sounds easier to do what other people expect. I learned to trust, take my own dreams and my self serious. I dropped out of school, and I created all the props and made a rehearsal plan. Now everything is just about ready for premiere and I can’t wait to tour with this wonderful and fun play for children and their parents. With the play I wish to inspire and help others to go their own way and let creativity grow wild, as well as start conversations about what we value when we interact with children.

Read more about the play here: